What's in a name? How about the name "Alfred"? Pretty innocuous on the surface but according to an online baby book the name means "supernatural". When you consider this, it seems fitting that the local news channel decided to name the first winter storm event of 2011, Alfred. Alfred dumped at least 8" of f$&@#*& snow on my yard yesterday and last night!
I ran an "Alfred" Google search as well and I found very little that was remarkable about the name. In fact the only notable person (at least notable to me) with the name that surfaced was Alfred Hitchcock. That seems appropriate also because the first image that pops into my head when I think of Alfred Hitchcock is of birds yanking out eyeballs! Having my eyeball plucked from my head by a crow might be more fun than 8 inches of snow in October!
Most years we might get a flurry or two prior to the new year but not this year. Last winter we had record breaking snow fall, and I was so hoping this year would balance out last with record breaking no-snow fall, but this doesn't bode well for us this year! In some ways looking out the window at a blanket of white covering the yard, is soothing! At the very least it's pretty, but I can only take short bursts of winter. The ideal winter to me would be four or five quick snow storms between December (including a nice thick storm on Christmas eve) and February mixed in with mostly 90-degree sunny days. Where can I move to get that?
Even though it's enough to piss off the Pope, I am in good spirits because I had a good week and lost a bunch of weight. Don't get me wrong, there are things about this time of year that I like. I like football and fall baseball; I like the warmth of a fire in the fireplace; I like fall/winter meals like Butternut Squash, Stew and Chilis, Roasts, and everything Apple; I like crisp morning golf; and I like the fall colors in the trees. But trust me, I would give all that up for 365 days of tropical splendor!
One snow storm in and here is what I miss aleady:
The smell of fresh cut grass
Warm summer breeze coming through my car windows
Margaritas and BBQ on the back porch
The sound of wind through the trees
The warmth of the sun on my face at the beach
And Bikinis, I think I will miss Bikinis most of all! It's going to be a long Winter!